KongZi Institute University of Malaya celebrates Chinese New Year with St. Joseph’s Institution International School

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]A marvelous Chinese new year celebration co-organized by KongZi Institute and St. Joseph’s Institution International School was held in the Auditorium of SJIIM.

During the opening remarks, Dr. Nicola Brown, the principal of SJIIM, warmly welcomed the directors and teachers from KongZi Institute and expressed her gratitude for co-organizing this event. She hoped students can enjoy and further understand Chinese culture. Dr. Noor Zalina Mahmood, the Malaysian director of KongZi Institute appreciated all the efforts made by students and teachers toward this event. She looked forward to strengthening further cooperation on education and culture communication with SJIIM.

The celebration kicked off with a traditional Chinese music “Jiangjun Ling” played using Guzheng, a Chinese traditional instrument. The most attractive program Bianlian-Fast mask-changing won rounds of applauses.  KongZi Institute also showcased Shahmeer-the 1st Runner Up of 2017 Chinese Bridge-World College Students Chinese Language Competition, featured as special guests. Shahmeer shared his experience in Chinese Bridge Competition by showing video and sang two popular songs. Students waved and sang along with him, enriching the atmosphere warm and vibrant.

Students also prepared some performance such as stage play, instrument playing. Stage show “Chinese New Year” performed by Year 12 students was funny and sweet, swamping the scene with laughter and applause from students and teachers.

马来亚大学孔子学院与St. Joseph’s Institution International School(圣若瑟书院)共同庆祝中国新年

二月十二日上午,马来亚大学孔子学院院长一行访问马来西亚雪兰莪州的St. Joseph’s Institution (圣若瑟书院)国际学校,与师生们共同庆祝中国农历新年。

活动伊始,SJIIM国际学校校长Dr. Nicola Brown对孔子学院的老师及嘉宾们表示欢迎,并表达了对中国新年的祝贺和对活动的期待,同时感谢孔子学院为这次活动的筹备所做出的努力,并希望学生们在参与活动的同时感受春节文化的魅力。孔子学院马方院长Dr. Noor Zalina在致辞中表示,这次活动是双方合作的开始,希望今后双方在教育、文化方面有更深一步的交流。

活动以古筝演奏开场,一曲气势激昂的《将军令》引来师生们的阵阵掌声。 几位小演员带来的川剧变脸节目更是让师生们惊叹不已,节目结束后,学生们仍然兴奋地讨论演员们精致的扮相和魔术般的动作。孔子学院也邀请了2017年汉语桥-世界大学生中文比赛亚军沙米尔同学作为特别嘉宾。他通过一段视频分享了他的参赛历程,并为师生们演唱了两首流行歌曲。《告白气球》的旋律带动学生们一起挥手跟唱,新年主题的原创歌曲节奏轻快动听,说唱部分更是引来学生们的阵阵欢呼。

国际学校的学生们也准备了话剧表演、乐器演奏等小节目。几名十二年级学生的表演的舞台剧“庆新年”温馨幽默,几处小包袱更是引得全场欢笑不已。[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”5043″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”5044,5045,5046,5047″][/vc_column][/vc_row]