Classical Chinese Canons and Living the Modern Life
What can ancient Chinese classical texts teach us about living a good and fulfilling life today? Do they still matter in the milieu of modernity and postmodernity? How do we rediscover the modern application and values of ancient Chinese wisdom hidden within the time-honoured Chinese culture and philosophy?
This lecture seeks to integrate the wisdom of the I Ching, Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic of Medicine, Tao Te Ching, Analects, Diamond Sutra, etc. into the way we live our life, the meaning we derive from it, and the tackling of dilemmas confronting the modern existence.
About the Speaker
Dr. Zhao Dong, is Associate Professor from the School of English in Beijing Foreign Studies University, visiting scholar to the Institute of world religions of Harvard University (2015-2016) and the English Department of Yale University (2003-2004). His research interests are English translation of Chinese classics; Comparative study of Buddhism and Christianity.
He has lectured at the University of Ljubljana, the University of Sofia, the Belgian Eurasian Institute, the National School of Administration and other institutions in China and abroad.